My Crazy Little Life

ramblings of a crazy woman living her sometimes crazy life with her little family, in their little home, in a little town, in the BIG state of Texas


Posted by mycrazylittlelife on 10/31/2007

Is everyone running like crazy this time of year?
I am terribly busy these days. Especially for someone who doesn’t like to be ‘busy’.
Between schooling, church, scouts, ‘co-op’ and regular household stuff, we will be out of the house most of this week! This is so unlike me. Usually I schedule trips/events so that we are home at least 3 full days a week. Some may find that odd, but it works best for us.

Last weekend was jam-packed also. Saturday we had a side-job which occupied most of the day plus I had a hair appointment (don’t ask). Sunday was church of course. Sparky was gracious enough to teach for me since I was unprepared. After church we made a trip into the city to pick up a cake for my father-in-law’s SURPRISE 70th birthday party! It was a success and so sweet. My talented s-i-l created a great slide show set to a sweet song. It was fabulous! Most of the pictures I had never seen. At the first lull, we scooted out to get back to church for a meeting. Then of course, it was Monday. Monday’s are always tough, but Sparky actually joked that he would be glad to get back to work so he could get some rest!

Since the holidays are just around the corner, I’m thinking I should just get used to the busy-ness.

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